Tidewater Bride Jewelry Giveaway
I am so sad that this week is coming to a close! It has been an absolute joy to welcome Laura here for an amazing and insightful interview, plus share three days worth of jewelry inspired by her latest novel, Tidewater Bride. If by chance Laura’s books are brand new to you, let me tell you what a treat they are! I could gush on and on for days, but you should just take my word for how good they are. What’s even more fascinating to me is her bio! Check this out… Award-winning, bestselling author Laura Frantz is passionate about all things historical, particularly the 18th-century, and writes her…
Jewelry Inspired by Tidewater Bride – Day 3
Thanks so much for joining me for the last day of new jewelry designs and excerpts from Tidewater Bride! I have had a marvelous time this week sharing all things Tidewater with you, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the interview with Laura and all the new designs featured. In case you missed yesterday’s post, you can check it out here. Today’s feature is all about quotes taken straight from the book. If you don’t know by now, Laura has a way with words, and I truly loved pulling out all of these short little quotes and turning them into jewelry. Hope you enjoy! *** Xander shrugged. “The better question is,…
Jewelry Inspired by Tidewater Bride – Day 2
Welcome back to Bliss, Books and Jewels as we continue with new jewelry inspired by Tidewater Bride! In case you missed yesterday’s post, click here to read three excerpts from Tidewater and see four designs created for this exquisite book. Hope you enjoy what’s new for Day 2 of jewelry inspired by Tidewater Bride! Each design is captioned with a link so you can view more photos and details.
*** “All I see are beautiful beads that took a little girl a very long time to fashion into something wearable. That itself is remarkable. Is there more?” He gave a nod. “Watseka is wiser than her years.” . .…
Jewelry Inspired by Tidewater Bride – Day 1
Welcome back to our week of jewelry inspired by Tidewater Bride! In case you missed yesterday’s interview with Laura Frantz, pop on over to this link to get some of the history behind jewelry design and materials that were present in early James Towne. I hope you are ready for these next few days of jewelry because there are a total of TWELVE new designs that I have been planning and putting together since Tidewater Bride was released. I have bookmarked and highlighted my Kindle copy probably more than any other book I’ve ever read…and with good reason.
There were so many little nuggets of info and quotable portions…
Jewelry Stories with Laura Frantz
I am over-the-moon excited today to begin a brand new feature – Jewelry Stories! If you’ve hung out here for any length of time, you know that I love creating jewelry inspired by some of my latest Christian fiction reads. I love it even more when the books I’m reading feature jewelry. While reading Tidewater Bride by Laura Frantz recently, I discovered several mentions of jewelry that I knew I had to recreate in my own way (more on that later). I also reached out to Laura with some specific questions about the James Towne settlement and how they used shells to make jewelry. She was so gracious to answer…