Jewelry Inspired by Tidewater Bride – Day 2

Welcome back to Bliss, Books and Jewels as we continue with new jewelry inspired by Tidewater Bride! In case you missed yesterday’s post, click here to read three excerpts from Tidewater and see four designs created for this exquisite book.
Hope you enjoy what’s new for Day 2 of jewelry inspired by Tidewater Bride! Each design is captioned with a link so you can view more photos and details.
“All I see are beautiful beads that took a little girl a very long time to fashion into something wearable. That itself is remarkable. Is there more?”
He gave a nod. “Watseka is wiser than her years.”
. . . her hair decorated with Rose-n-Vale’s white roses. . .
Truly, this new freshwater marvel outshone the last lustrous gray one that was slightly misshapen. A growing collection lay before him. His favorite was a metallic green, the others pale purple and varied hues, gotten from Chesapeake oyster beds. ‘Twas said the pearl symbolized purity, loyalty, integrity, and largess of spirit. The essence of his intended.
“For now, I bring ye this.” He reached into his pocket and produced a large pink pearl. “From yer oyster beds.”
I really took some creative liberties with today’s pieces! I searched online and was thrilled when I found mussel shells for the long shell necklaces featured today in cream and yesterday in purple. The book actually mentions that the necklaces made by Watseka were strung on silken thread, but I wanted something sturdier and suitable for everyday wear.
For the freshwater pearl necklace, there were a couple of excerpts that I could have used to share where I drew inspiration, but I had to be careful not to reveal any spoilers! And for the rose earrings, I searched high and low to find some purple freshwater pearls that would work, but ultimately settled on navy blue. Last but not least, I have had the mother of pearl pendant in my personal collection for years, but never had a purpose for it until the Tidewater collection.
Thanks again for coming behind the scenes with me today as I continue to share the inspiration behind these new designs inspired by Tidewater Bride. In case you have missed the two previous posts, click here to read my review with Laura and here to see the first round of jewelry designs inspired by Tidewater Bride.
Tomorrow is the last day of jewelry, and I promise you don’t want to miss it!
Wow! Those earrings and the freshwater Pearl necklace!!
Laura Frantz
Love seeing you here! This giveaway is made for you
Everything is beautiful…my favorite is the earrings!
Karen Lange
So pretty! How lovely of you to create and offer these beauties – thank you!
Love Laura’s books, and appreciate you featuring her this week.
Laura Frantz
Karen, You are always so gracious and it’s so appreciated. Thank you for taking time here to celebrate with us. Can’t wait to see what Christy designs next!
I loved featuring her and Tidewater all week long – such fun!