Top Ten Tuesday #1 – Book Covers with Fall Colors/Vibes

It is so wonderful to be back in the book blogging world, and I didn’t realize how much I missed out on fun weekly posts such as Top Ten Tuesday. Book blogging is not all book reviews all the time (although, that’s one of my favorite parts of it). It’s great to get to take a minute to drool over book covers, chat over interesting characters, and meet other readers that have things in common with you.
I have been going through my shelves in the past couple of weeks, hunting for book covers that have a fall theme. Even though I have been away from reading for a LONG time, I can still think of a few books with a fall theme that I have read.
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Every book I’ve ever read by Cindy has earned a 5 star rating. She’s definitely one of the best in the Christian fiction genre, and THE best in Amish fiction.

2. The Winds of Autumn by Janette Oke
I remember my mom buying an omnibus of this series when I was in junior high. I read through the whole thing (it was hardback and at least 2 inches thick) in only a few days. That may have been my first journey into Christian fiction…not 100% sure, but it was definitely one of the first series I ever read.

This Baxter series has been going on forever, it seems, but there’s something about this family and all their friends that keeps pulling me back in for more.

It’s been quite a long time since I read this series. There are 6 books in all, and they’re all quick, lighthearted reads.

5. Autumn’s Promise by Shelley Shepard Gray
I haven’t read a lot of Shelley’s books, but I remember enjoying this series more than her first. The font size in these books is slightly larger than most and the pages not quite full size trade paperback so I remember reading through each one in only a few hours. Quick reads for the win!

6. Lost and Found by Ginny Yttrup
Ginny is a massively talented author. I remember this book being a masterpiece, and the book she wrote right before this one (Words) won a Christy award. I have one other book of hers currently on my Kindle, and I’m so anxious to read it.

7. Montclair Homecoming by Jane Peart
My local library was definitely a huge help to me in being able to finish this series – there are 15 books in all! It starts in the 1700s, and ends in present day.

8. The Fall of Candy Corn by Debbie Viguie
This was a cute Christian YA series, and each book mentions a different season. The covers have all had an upgrade, and in my opinion, it’s a great improvement!

9. The Bridge by Lisa Tawn Bergren
I haven’t met a book by Lisa Bergren that I did not thoroughly enjoy! This one was no exception.

10. Ten Thousand Charms by Allison Pittman
This book had been recommended to me for YEARS before I finally read it. It’s worthy of all 5 stars I gave it, too. Do yourself a favor and read it.

Rissi @ Finding Wonderland
OhMyGosh! Now I’m kicking myself for missing Janette’s and the Montclair one! Both are on my “oldie” shelf of books I read as a teen.
Also, I should have used Hope for my Lori Copeland pick – look at those colors!!
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonerland, Christy – and WELCOME back!!
Haha – I know what you mean! Of course, since it’s been soooo long since I read any Christian fiction, most books on my shelf can definitely be classified as old reads. I had to go through my Goodreads read shelf to get fall cover inspiration.
Thanks so much for being my first commenter in my new blog home – and thanks for the welcome!