Sunrise Book Review

OH MY GOODNESS! Where do I begin?!
I was so sure that I wasn’t going to like this book. It started off as a very s-l-o-w read for me, and I had a time trying to get all the characters straight. But page by page, the story took shape and once it focused in on Dodge and Echo, I was a goner.
I could not get enough! Oh, how I loved seeing them overcome their struggles with forgiveness. They both had major issues from their past that held them down and kept them from truly being free to love one another and members in their families. That message of forgiveness was such a dominant theme in this book and it flowed so effortlessly.
Their chemistry with each other was also hard to deny, even though both of them tried to reject the other on more than one occasion. (Two very stubborn characters here!) But oh, once they knew. . .sparks flew. ♥
And while I prefer to stay on the warmer side of the globe, there was no question that this was a story set in Alaska because I felt the icy and snowy scenes down to my bones. That coupled with the day-to-day uses of helicopters, planes, dog sleds, and bear tracking all made for the most wonderfully authentic story.
This book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger (2 actually), so now pardon me while I go find the next book in the series. Happy reading if you decide to add this one to your TBR stack, too – you won’t regret it!
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Sara- The Christian Bookworm Podcast
I really liked this one too (love Alaska books!) but haven’t read the second book yet. I need to do that!
I loved it, but hated that it ended on a cliffhanger! I have so many review commitments coming up over the next 4-6 weeks that there’s no way I’ll be able to read book 2 anytime soon.