Jewelry Stories from When Twilight Breaks

I have been so anxious for this week’s Jewelry Stories post as it features one of my favorite reads so far this year – When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin. If you have not already read this book, I highly encourage you to move it to the top of your TBR stack! You will not be able to concentrate on anything else until you read it to the very end!
World War II fiction is not a genre I typically gravitate toward. However, I’m finding myself reading it more and more – and loving it! I was so surprised to find several different themes in this book that were perfect for jewelry, maybe because this story takes place in the years leading up to the war. Either way, I have five different designs plus excerpts from When Twilight Breaks that I’m itching to share with you today. I’d love for you to take a minute and leave a note in the comments as to which one is your favorite.
Hope you enjoy today’s Jewelry Stories from When Twilight Breaks!
“The cross has been in the family for generations.”
“Ja, and it is not old. This baroque style was fashionable in the 1880s.”
Every time he’d seen her, she’d worn something red.
Part of her wanted to pick any color but red, but. . .she picked one with red ribbons and red and white flowers.
Evelyn put the passport back in her purse. Not carrying papers was illegal, so the fake passport was better than nothing.
Peter traced the star again, deeper. “Stars shine. Why would anyone want to turn a star into a circle?”
There you have it – FIVE brand new designs inspired by this incredible novel!
I really tried to focus on very specific passages of this story as there were so many sections that could have sparked other designs. For instance, Evelyn was mentioned as wearing red and gray repeatedly, and while I have loads of red and gray beads available, I wanted to keep these designs as specific to the storyline as possible.
The red bookmarks pay tribute to Evelyn’s love of wearing red, and I snuck in a tiny bit of that gray as a pearl in the flower bookmark. The passport bookmark includes a plane, and while there was only one mention of an airplane, I felt it best fit the passport charm.
The bracelet also features red, and while this phrase is not mentioned anywhere in the book (rightfully so), it matches Evelyn’s personality to a T. She is determined not to let all these male reporters get assignments that she is equally qualified to cover. Bravo to her, I say!
The cross was as close of a replica as I could find to the baroque style mentioned, and the ring was a brand new attempt for me! I’ve done rings in the past, but never a stamped one, and I thought that tiny quote from Peter was perfect and a sweet reminder that we can all shine brightly in our own unique way. Evelyn certainly did.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Jewelry Stories, and thank you so much for stopping by! As always, each image above is captioned with a link underneath if you are interested in learning more about a particular style. I am always working on new designs for future posts as well! If you aren’t already a subscriber, take a minute to sign up for my email list so you can get notifications when that next post goes live.
Until next time!
Sarah Sundin
I love these so much!!! Thank you! I’ve never had “fan jewelry” for my stories before
I’m in awe of your talent! And the connections to the story are simply perfect.
Aw, thank you! I always wonder if I “get it right” so to speak!
So very happy to feature Twilight here today and share some creativity at the same time. <3
Mary Lynch
I read the story and could not do a thing until I finished it. A beautiful story. It really haunted me in parts. This part of history must always be remembered. I so love the jewelry! Each piece is lovely and tells the story. I love the quote about the star….stars shine. Who would want to turn a star into a circle.