Jewelry Stories from An Unexpected Arrangement
Thank you so much for joining me for today’s Jewelry Stories!

I have read my fair share of Love Inspired books this year, and some of them have had the sweetest ideas for jewelry! An Unexpected Arrangement was released earlier this year, though I only had the chance to read it a couple of weeks ago. In a word – delightful! And I’m oh-so-anxious to read the book before it and the one that comes after it in a couple of months.
There was one little excerpt that mentioned jewelry, and I have been itching to create this style of earrings for my shop for a loooong time now. Hope you enjoy them AND the short book excerpt below. ♥
His gaze traveled from her long platinum hair to her leather earrings shaped like feathers, and the mint-green T-shirt she’d paired with white pants. His pulse sped. She looked amazing.
So – raise your hand if you now want to find some white jeans and a mint green t-shirt to go with these earrings!
Even though the book doesn’t specifically mention an earring color (I’m glad it didn’t!), I wanted the color to be something versatile in real life and a color that would feasibly match the clothing mentioned in the sentence. Rose gold is very hot (still) right now, and the beads at the top compliment that color so well.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Jewelry Stories, and thank you so much for stopping by! As always, each image above is captioned with a link underneath if you are interested in learning more about a particular style. I am always working on new designs for future posts as well (The Spice King by Elizabeth Camden is up next)! If you aren’t already a subscriber, take a minute to sign up for my email list so you can get notifications when that next post goes live.
Until next time!
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