About Me

Blogging is nothing new for me. I’ve been online in some form or fashion sharing my thoughts for several years now. What is new is this blog. I wanted a new space where I could combine everything I love together. Thus, Bliss, Books, & Jewels was born in 2020.
There are lots of things that bring me Bliss –
My heavenly Father
My family
My work
Saving money
…and probably more things that I have forgotten while typing this page.
The Books & Jewels part of this page will be what I share with you most. I have loved reading since I was a child. I distinctly remember sneaking novels into class so I could read them instead of doing my schoolwork. That earned me quite a few disapproving looks from my teachers.
I have also loved making things with my hands my entire life. I’ve tried a great many things (some with no success), but my favorite attempt at crafting has been jewelry. Lately, I’ve found myself bookmarking and highlighting my latest reads so I can create a bookmark or piece of jewelry to go along with it. This has been a wonderful creative outlet for me and a bigger source of inspiration than I ever expected! It is my hope that you will enjoy seeing some new little baubles from time to time, and reading about how they came to be. Visit this link to see what I have created thus far.
What I do

My Day Job
By day, I am an insurance agent for a local independent agency. I primarily specialize in life, health, and Medicare benefits.

My Family
I’ve been married since I was 20 to my favorite person in the world, my husband Alex. Together, we have two of the sweetest girls that God could have ever blessed us with.

My Free Time
Ha – when you’re a mom, there’s precious little of this! While I’ve already mentioned my loves of reading and jewelry making, I enjoy spending time in the flower garden, cooking for fun, and bargain shopping.
Want to collaborate?
If you’re interested in working together on a project (book review, author chat, giveaway, or whatever you think might be a good fit here), please drop me a line at blissbooksandjewels {at} gmail . com. I’d love to talk it over with you.